What is COVID-19, and how to deal with COVID-19 during pandemic. Does it is the result of harming nature? Mostly the disease was spread from Wuhan, China and is found bat to be the cause of spreading to other animals which has infected human. Italy, Spain and almost all the world is facing the consequence of COVID-19. In India where the prevalence rate of disease is 1.9% and 2.5% incidence rate, most of the cases are being found in Kerala and Maharashtra with updated data more than 200. Now the question arises is wet and cold climate making the virus spread and can the virus be killed in high temperature and high humidity? After Italy, China more death cases have been found in Spain. Data Science plays a major role by using machine learning to solve various problems and can be used to solve various problems associated with COVID-19. For example, prediction of how many peoples in groups will get effected, which location or area is likely to be get effected, screening of patients, using chat boots for concluding how many peoples have got the symptoms and are likely to be effected and so on.
In this paper we have tried to show which areas are more likely to be affected, how lockdown have helped in reduction of death and what in future we can do to not face such situation again in life.