Protecting children and women's rights to health by integrating health policies into government frameworks, treaties, and conventions for human rights, SDGs, NCDs, and toward Tobacco Free Generation (Preprint)





The WCTOH 2018 delegates endorsed the Cape Town Declaration on Human Rights and a Tobacco-Free World, which recommended several actions to be taken between 2018 and 2023. The Future for the World’s Children (WHO-UNICEF-LANCET COMMISSION) landmark report identifies solutions and threats including underinvestment in child health by Parties and trade commercial tactics targeting young people. (Lancet 2020; 395: 605–58) Strengthening the Human rights dimension to tobacco control is an important goal for the FCTC Secretariat and a tobacco and human rights resource hub with steps to take at Sunset Project is a global campaign to phase out the commercial sale of tobacco products at


While the objectives focus mainly on coordinating and strengthening support for tobacco-free generations (TFG) in our region by establishing an alliance of stakeholders in child health to develop and implement a strategy for TFG within a period of up to Six years, To raise awareness with regular status reports on impact of tobacco on children & women and their rights to health with regular reporting to government and treaty committees with obligations to assess progress towards global goals in health, development and human rights, and to expose and counter tobacco interference in child & women rights with partners by monitoring tobacco trade interference for regular reporting to government, the media and global health leaders concerned with Human Rights.


Our Roadmap tool for protecting children & women from tobacco is adapted for context. A roadmap tool can assess current capacity, legal framework, and funding needs based on the ten main indicators below. A comprehensive assessment can help to break the inter-generational cycles of poverty and its links to tobacco use that harm the health of children, their families, their futures, and the environments they live in within our region. The indicators we are using can be illustrated


We tried to use the best practices in M&E (logic model) to enable it to be assessed, compared and scaled up in priority countries with a high burden of preventable lung health diseases and links to poverty. The logic model for M&E will specify inputs (stakeholders coalition, best practices, supportive policymakers, media contacts, youth engagement); activities (needs assessment, review of treaties, action plan, M&E plan); reach (Ministry officials, partners, mass organizations, public); and impact outcomes (short, medium and long).


, raising awareness of stakeholders and inserting provisions in treaties for mandatory reporting at country and global levels (short); strengthening implementation and enforcement of health policies (medium); and changing social norms for protecting children and their families from tobacco exposure in public places and homes based on measurable data sources.


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