Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) might be more frequent in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), but the relationship between these 2 entities is yet to be entirely established. Certain blood biomarkers (eg, serum amyloid A [SAA] and serum homocysteine [Hcy], which increase in IBD and MCI; brain-derived neurotrophic factor [BDNF], which decreases in MCI and AD but is not clearly modified in IBD; and S100 calcium-binding protein B [S100B], which increases in the blood-brain barrier and neuronal lesions) might predict the stage of MCI or dementia or progression to a further state. The gut–brain axis (GBA) might be the key to the development of MCI in patients with IBD, along with systemic inflammation and the possible and unknown adverse effects of disease-modifying medication.
The aim of this study is to investigate whether GBA interactions play a role in MCI development in patients with IBD.
A case-control study will be conducted on at least 100 patients diagnosed with IBD, matched with 100 healthy individual controls. The matching will include sex, age, and education. Patients will be fully examined, and a full interview and a neurological and cognitive examination will be performed. The primary clinical outcomes will be cognitive test scores (Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Trail Making Test, Digit Symbol Substitution Test, forward and backward digit span testing). Depression, stress, and anxiety screening will also be performed. Blood samples from all participants will be collected, and aliquots will be immediately stored in a biobank. Primary laboratory outcomes will include serum levels of presumed cognitive dysfunction blood biomarkers SAA, Hcy, S100B, and BDNF. Follow-up will be performed at 12, 24, 36, and 48 months.
Data collection started in December 2021 and is ongoing. So far, 53 patients with IBD have been recruited and 50 HC matched. Data collection should end in January 2030. Intermediary analysis will be performed in April 2024. We expect patients with IBD to have lower scores on cognitive testing and a positive correlation between disease length and cognitive impairment level. In addition, the levels of stress, anxiety, and depression should be higher in the IBD group. The serum levels of the 4 biomarkers could correlate or anticorrelate with cognitive scores and serve as predictive factors for MCI or dementia development. A higher level of education, a younger age, the absence of malabsorption, and good disease control might serve as protectors against MCI.
GBA interactions, along with systemic inflammation and the adverse effects of medication, might be a cause of MCI and AD development in patients with IBD. Serum biomarkers could prove cheap and useful predictors of MCI development.