1. Germany pushes for more organ donation
2. How large is the organ donor potential in Germany? Results of an analysis of data collected on deceased with primary and secondary brain damage in intensive care unit from 2002 to 2005
3. Deutsche Stiftung OrgantransplantationAnnual Report 201220122015-07-10Frankfurt am MainDSOOrgan donation and transplantation in Germanyhttp://www.dso.de/uploads/tx_dsodl/DSO_JB_D_2012_e.pdf6ZvGPSywu
4. Deutsche Stiftung OrgantransplantationAnnual Report 20132014-12-20Organspende und Transplantation in Deutschland: Jahresbericht 2013http://www.webcitation.org/6UyDfp7jc6UyDfp7jc
5. EurotransplantEurotransplant20152015-04-22Waiting list registrations in All ET, by year, by organ, by sequencehttp://statistics.eurotransplant.org/reportloader.php?report=57292-6141&format=html&download=06Xyv9Ha2b