1. Diabetes UK2017-12-14Diabetes in the UK 2012: Key statistics on diabetes
2. HS Digital Health and Social Care Information Centre2017-12-14Table 15: Recorded disease prevalence, achievements and exceptions, high dependency and other long term conditions group, diabetes mellitus, 2016-17, region level
3. Scotland Information Services DivisionIsdscotland2017-12-14Scotland 2015/16 QOF Prevalence Data, NHS Board and Scotland level data, Prevalence reported from QOF registers (practices with any contract type)
4. Northern Ireland Department of Health2017-12-142016/17 raw disease prevalence trend data for Northern Ireland, Table Prevalence Registers
5. Welsh Government Statistics and ResearchWelsh GovernmentInformation from the General Medical Services Quality and Outcomes Framework Statistics for Wales, 2015-16