1. CohenRAStussmanBCenters for Disease Control and PreventionHealth Information Technology Use Among Men and Women Aged 18–64: Early Release of Estimates From the National Health Interview Survey, January–June 2009 https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hestat/healthinfo2009/healthinfo2009.pdf
2. McCannEHealthcare IT News2018-03-13Most providers now using patient portals http://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/most-providers-now-using-patient-portals
3. Patient and Provider Attitudes Toward the Use of Patient Portals for the Management of Chronic Disease: A Systematic Review
4. Patient Portals and Patient Engagement: A State of the Science Review
5. Predicting Internet Use as a Source of Health Information: A "Language Divide" Among the Hispanic Population in the United States