The Application of Mask Region-Based Convolutional Neural Networks in the Detection of Nasal Septal Deviation Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography Images: Proof-of-Concept Study


Shetty ShishirORCID,Mubarak Auwalu SalehORCID,R David LeenaORCID,Al Jouhari Mhd OmarORCID,Talaat WaelORCID,Al-Rawi NatheerORCID,AlKawas SausanORCID,Shetty SunainaORCID,Uzun Ozsahin DilberORCID


Background Artificial intelligence (AI) models are being increasingly studied for the detection of variations and pathologies in different imaging modalities. Nasal septal deviation (NSD) is an important anatomical structure with clinical implications. However, AI-based radiographic detection of NSD has not yet been studied. Objective This research aimed to develop and evaluate a real-time model that can detect probable NSD using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. Methods Coronal section images were obtained from 204 full-volume CBCT scans. The scans were classified as normal and deviated by 2 maxillofacial radiologists. The images were then used to train and test the AI model. Mask region-based convolutional neural networks (Mask R-CNNs) comprising 3 different backbones—ResNet50, ResNet101, and MobileNet—were used to detect deviated nasal septum in 204 CBCT images. To further improve the detection, an image preprocessing technique (contrast enhancement [CEH]) was added. Results The best-performing model—CEH-ResNet101—achieved a mean average precision of 0.911, with an area under the curve of 0.921. Conclusions The performance of the model shows that the model is capable of detecting nasal septal deviation. Future research in this field should focus on additional preprocessing of images and detection of NSD based on multiple planes using 3D images.


JMIR Publications Inc.







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