1. “Know your epidemic, know your response”: a useful approach, if we get it right
2. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, WHO Regional Office for EuropeHIV/AIDS Surveillance in Europe 201220132015-09-24StockholmECDChttp://ecdc.europa.eu/en/publications/Publications/hiv-aids-surveillance-report-Europe-2013.pdf
3. SasseADeblondeJVan BeckhovenDEpidemiologie van AIDS en HIV Infectie in België. Toestand op 31 december 201320142015-09-24BrusselWIV-ISPhttps://www.wiv-isp.be/News/Documents/Rapport_HIV-AIDS_2013_Print_Press.pdf
4. A new method to assign country of HIV infection among heterosexuals born abroad and diagnosed with HIV
5. United Kingdom acquisition of HIV infection in African residents in London: more than previously thought