Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a painful inflammatory disorder that confers significant distress to patients, with surgery as an integral treatment modality.
To inform improvements in care, patterns in HS surgery were assessed.
A retrospective population-based analysis was performed on Ontario billing claims for HS surgery across a period of 10 years from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2017. HS surgery was defined as the excision of inguinal, perineal, or axillary skin and sweat glands for hidradenitis. The top 5 billing specialties, including general and plastic surgery, were analyzed. The total number of procedures performed as well as the number performed per physician were investigated. Patient and physician locations were compared.
A total of 7195 claims for the excision of inguinal, perineal, or axillary skin and sweat glands for HS were submitted across the study period. Annual HS surgery claims showed an increasing trend across 10 years, ranging between 4.9 and 5.8 per 100,000 population. However, overall, for every additional year, the number of claims per 100,000 population only increased slightly, by 0.03 claims. The number of providers steadily decreased, ranging between 1.7 and 1.9 per 100,000, with approximately twice as many general than plastic surgeons. However, again overall, for every additional year, the number of providers per 100,000 population decreased slightly, by 0.002 physicians. The mean annual number of procedures per physician rose from 2.8 to 3.1. In rural areas, analyzed per claim, general surgeons performed the majority of surgeries (1318/2003, 65.8%), while in urban areas, surgeries were more equally performed by general (2616/5192, 50.4%) and plastic (2495/5192, 48.1%) surgeons. Of HS surgery claims, 25.7%-35.9% were provided by a physician residing in a different area than the patient receiving care.
No significant improvements in access to HS surgery were seen across the study period, with access potentially worsening with annual HS claims rising overall and number of providers decreasing, with patients travelling further to access surgery. System barriers across the continuum of HS diagnosis and management must be evaluated to improve access to surgical care.
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