1. European CommissionDigital Agenda for Europe: A Europe 2020 Initiative20142015-10-09Brussels, BelgiumEuropean Commissionhttp://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en6c8sMoTnk
2. A cross-national analysis of eHealth in the European Union: Some policy and research directions
3. KrijgsmanJde BieJDBurghoutsAde JongJDCathGvan GennipLVeHealth, Verder dan je Denkt: eHealth Monitor 201320132015-01-05http://www.nictiz.nl/page/Publicaties/eHealth-monitor6VM8VQX8h
4. Electronic patient–provider communication: Will it offset office visits and telephone consultations in primary care?
5. The impact of patient–physician web messaging on healthcare service provision