Daylight Analysis in Terms of Building Direction and One-Way Roof




1. Bitlis Eren Universty


The location of the buildings in the residential area is very important in protecting or benefiting from sunlight. The dynamic structure of the sun, which constantly changes according to time and seasons, directly affects the building's architecture and urban formation. Ignoring the sun's use of the structures during the construction of the buildings can cause significant disturbances to the residents. Daylight strategies, which are also influenced by climate, depend on the availability of natural light, determined by the latitude of the building site and the instantaneous conditions around the building. High latitudes have different summer and winter conditions, with lower daylight levels in winter. At these latitudes, designers often aim to maximize daylight penetration in buildings. In the tropics, where daylight levels are high throughout the year, the design emphasis is often on preventing overheating by limiting the amount of sunlight entering the building. Daylight availability depends not only on latitude, but also on the orientation of a building, and each facade and material of the building requires a different design importance. Therefore, daylight and architectural design strategies are two inseparable phenomena. In this respect, examining traditional architecture and successful natural lighting designs in the past is very useful for understanding climate-balanced building design. For this purpose, determining the roof slope according to the sun angle in architectural structures by calculating according to the location provides efficiency in many issues from energy efficiency to human health.


Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science


Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine,Pediatrics, Perinatology, and Child Health

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