Development of Reagents - Blowing Agents Based on Local Raw Materials and their Research


,Yusupov S.K. ORCID,Prof. Yodgarov N. , ,Prof. Yusupov F.M. ORCID, ,Baymatova G.A. ORCID,


The development and search for effective reagents and optimal technological conditions is one of the main factors for improving the coal flotation process. Solving these problems increases the technological and economic efficiency of flotation enrichment. The article discusses methods for producing foaming regents based on waste from the distillation process of cottonseed oil - gossypol resin and methods of flotation of various classes of fine coal. The advantages of this foaming agent include the availability of raw materials, which are a product of domestic industry, produced at the enterprises of the Kattakurgan MJK and amino alcohols (mono- , di- and triethanolamine) , sufficient resources and relative low cost. Conducted research to assess the effectiveness, surface activity and foaming ability of the resulting reagents - in foaming agents, according to the proposed technology of the studied technical products, the resulting product belongs to the surface-active reagents and has high flotation activity. The physico-chemical and foam-forming properties, foam stability, destruction kinetics and other properties of flotation reagents - foaming agents SK-1 and SK-2 - have been studied. The results of studies of the influence of foaming reagents in the process of flotation and extraction of precious and non-ferrous metals are presented. The optimal option for the effective composition of composite chemical flotation reagents - foaming agents and their parameters was selected. The results of scientific research conducted at JSC NMMC on the use of analogues of the foaming agents SK-1 and SK-2 are given in comparison with the reagents (Oxal) currently used at the plant. The elemental composition of man-made waste samples using reagents SK-1 and SK-2 was determined.


Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP

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