Distributed Generation Impact on Distribution System Reliability


RAJU* K., ,rani P. Mercy hepciba,Prashanthi J., ,


Reliability is the most important factor of distribution system and this system should be operated economically with low customer loads interruption. This is because that the distribution system gives supply to customers from transmission system. There are some power quality issues due to the failures of components in distribution system. Researchers are going on to assess the reliability of the power system. In the power system, reliability evaluation is an important aspect in complete electric distribution system planning and operation. Due to the extreme scale of problem, it is not possible to conduct reliability on complete power system, it is performed independently. Hence, In this paper, the reliability of distribution system is evaluated by using an analytical method is described and is applied to the IEEE RBTS BUS-6. Development of reliability model of distribution system using Electrical Transient Analyzer Program (ETAP) software is developed. And the Distributed Generation is introduced for the improvement of reliability. Reliability indices are such as System Average Interruption Frequency Indices (SAIFI), System Average Interruption Duration Indices (SAIDI), Customer Average Interruption Frequency Indices (CAIFI), Customer Average Interruption Duration Indices (CAIDI), Energy Not Supplied (ENS), Average Service Availability Indices (ASAI), etc. The performance of reliability of the system is shown by these indices


Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP


Computer Science Applications,General Engineering,Environmental Engineering

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