Kerur Shravankumar B., ,Kantli Nagaraj,
Due to its benefits and superior capabilities, composite laminate is one of the most widely utilized materials today. With the use of this cutting-edge technology, the world will be less dependent on the use of traditional materials, particularly metal. In the current work, the behaviour of laminated composite gear with different fibre reinforcing configurations is covered. For the current FE formulation, first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) is used. The focus of fibre orientation on gear stress behaviour is highlighted in the current work. In the current FE formulation, which is a new development in the field of composite gears and deflection behaviour of the composite gear, focus is placed on the accurate computation of material properties with respect to fibre orientation in gears.
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
Management of Technology and Innovation,General Engineering