Interdisciplinarity encourages students to make connections between different academic disciplines, fostering a deeper understanding of complex real-world problems. By integrating various subjects, students are able to develop critical thinking skills and apply their knowledge in practical ways. This approach not only enhances their learning experience but also prepares them for the challenges they may face in their future careers. In the paper, a strong connection between mathematics and mechanics has been demonstrated. It is important to note that the discussion of this topic is just scratching the surface of the many aspects that can be explored. This example highlights the principle of continuous learning and the endless possibilities for acquiring new knowledge in any field. The process of knowledge is infinite and always open to new contributions. By integrating knowledge from different disciplines, individuals can gain a holistic understanding of complex concepts and phenomena. This interdisciplinary approach fosters critical thinking skills and encourages creative problem-solving, enabling learners to tackle real-world challenges with a broader perspective. Additionally, the collaboration between disciplines promotes innovation and encourages the development of new ideas and solutions. This paper presents aspects regarding the application of the collinearity property in mechanics. The laws of motion of a rigid body, scalar functions of time are meant, which determine, in any moment of the motion, the position of the body in relation to a benchmark through the examples taken in the study were taken from point kinematics and rigid kinematics, also studying how the velocity and acceleration of the points of the solid body vary, in relation to the same reference system.
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
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