Air Contamination Observing System using Internet of Things


Guntupalli Sai Tejaswi, ,Kalluru Sathvika Reddy,


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a worldwide network of "smart gadgets" that can interact with people and other systems. It can sense and connect to their surroundings. Air pollution is a significant problem nowadays. The present monitoring techniques have poor accuracy, sensitivity and need for laboratory testing [1]. We have proposed a three-level air pollution monitoring system to address these issues with current regulations. Gas sensors, the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE), and a Wi-Fi module form the foundation of the IoT kit. Gas sensors gather information from their surroundings and send it to the Arduino IDE. It uses the Arduino Wi-Fi module to send IDE data to the cloud. We’ve also created the Android application IoT-Mobair, which enables users to access the pertinent cloud-based air quality data [3]. When the user arrives at their location, the pollution level is graded throughout the trial, if it is too high an alarm is displayed. Air quality data may also be used to predict future air quality index (AQI) values


Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP


Computer Science Applications,General Engineering,Environmental Engineering

Reference11 articles.

1. Ruslan, N., 2015. Air pollution index (API) real time monitoring system (Doctoral dissertation, UniversitiTun Hussein Onn Malaysia).

2. Prasaath, H., 2017. Arduino Based Air Quality Monitoring IOT Project. Engineer Garage.

3. Mirajkar, D., 2015. IoT based Air Pollution Monitoring System Using Arduino.

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