Functional Information System using Office Laravel Framework in BKPSDM Pekanbaru City


Sabna* Eka, ,Machdalena ,Suryani Des,Ambiyar ,Rizal Fahmi, , , ,


Functional Position Information System is an information system application that is indispensable in Pekanbaru City Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency. This information system has not been implemented so that it needs to be designed and developed to determine its success and effectiveness. This becomes something very interesting to be the object of research, using quantitative research methods and using primary and secondary data as samples. Primary data were taken from field surveys, namely carrying out observations, interviews, case studies of selected samples. Secondary data were taken from available data by carrying out a documentation study at the Pekanbaru City Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency as needed. The data obtained were then analyzed descriptively with the waterfall modeling method. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that the functional position information system has not yet been implemented as an effort to facilitate civil servants to obtain services and information related to functional positions. Hypothesis testing also shows that there is no difference in the acceptance of the information system based on the diversity of functional groups and the length of their service life. For this reason, every civil servant who holds a Functional Position is obliged to take care of a Decree application at the Human Resources Development Personnel Agency Office, abbreviated as BKPSDM Pekanbaru City and to facilitate this, is designed a system called the Functional Position Information System Using the framework Laravel so that the user can easily easy to understand and use the application in the form of a website.


Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP

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