Experiencing a layoff can be a challenging and overwhelming time of loss and adjustment. While some individuals may view it as an opportunity for a fresh start or a welcome relief from a demanding work environment, for others, the loss of their career can be deeply distressing. Coping mechanisms for stress and change vary among individuals, but the following paper outlines common emotional, psychological, and physical reactions. In the past, layoffs were primarily seen as a last-resort measure during times of economic recession or crisis. However, they have become more commonplace in today's business landscape, particularly in the commercial sector. Many companies have recently announced layoffs, citing the need to increase profitability as the economy recovers and job prospects improve. Unfortunately, these layoffs often do not result in the intended profitability. The dynamics are quite different within the startup ecosystem. This research paper will delve into the journey of layoffs in startups and explore their impact on employees. Layoffs can be highly stressful for both startups and their employees. The paper will examine the aftermath of layoffs on employees and provide recommendations to help them navigate this challenging situation.
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
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