Design and Development of Inspection Test Rig with Stamping


Magar Sneha, ,Dhavalikar Prof. Mangesh,


Stamping and inspection are tasks that have been done manually since the beginning of time. Doing these tasks manually is time consuming, there is a possibility of error in it and it gets hectic after a while so it cannot be performed continuously. Automation has been simplifying and reducing the possibility of error over the recent years. In this project we will be designing and developing a prototype for stamping and inspection of metal cans using pneumatics and programmable logic controller (PLC). The stamping is done using the mechanism of quick retrieval by pressurized air. We aim to inspect cans of different sizes and make the system compatible to a wider range of industries. Different sizes of cans will require different pressure while stamping which will be programmed and stamping will be done accordingly with the required pressure. We can further develop the system to automate the whole production including pouring of material in cans, lidding, packaging, stamping and sorting. This work will propose a 3D design on the electropneumatic system and all the components used will also be discussed. This article is unique due to the concept of using one conveyor belt for two different sizes of cans. With the help of this design we can design different systems which can be compatible for multiple products in different industries. This might turn out to be a great solution for small scale industries that want to automate their plants but have not been able to due to high initial cost.


Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP


Management of Technology and Innovation,General Engineering

Reference15 articles.

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