Implementing Hybrid Security Mechanism for Cloud Considering Intrusion, Sql Injection and Performance Degradation


Sharma Manju1,Sharma Mukesh Kumar2


1. MDU, Rohtak, India.

2. Department of Computer Science & Engineering, TIT & S, Bhiwani, India.


Considering the demand of cloud services research has considered the issues or problems related to cloud computing. Various approaches adopted by existing research have limited scope and there is need to increase the security of cloud computing environment. The issues of security threat in cloud environment are explained in this paper. There have been several security threats to cloud environment such as Intrusion, brute force, Sql injection, Trozen horse that could affect the security of cloud services. There remains issue of Un-authentic access. Moreover the identity management is becoming a great challenge. Previous researches have proposed cryptographic approach while some provided solution to hacking attempts along with unauthentic external access but these security mechanisms are not sufficient to protect the cloud. Research paper is introducing intelligent system that is capable to trace the intrusion using LSTM based training model. The model is trained in order to categorize intrusion accordingly. The focus of research is to increase the security from intrusion by providing intelligent LSTM approach. This mechanism would classify the transmission in different categories such as Dos-synflooding, MITM ARP spoofing, Mirai-Ackflooding, Mirai-Http flooding, Mirai-Hostbruteforceg, Mirai-UDP Flooding, scan hostport and Normal. Moreover research paper has focused on prevention of Sql injection attacks. In order to increase the security between sender and receiver research has also allowed two way port based hand shaking in order to transmit data more securely. The transmission would be initiated using default port but the actual transmission would be made using random port that would be set for specific time slot.


Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP


Management of Technology and Innovation,General Engineering







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