Objectives: The 4-bit ALU of a RISC processor is designed as shown by the researcher in this paper. The 4-bit ALU used in this work can perform 24 = 16 various arithmetic and logical operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division as well as logical AND, OR, NAND, NOR, NOT, XOR, XNOR, INCREMENT, DECREMENT, ROTATE LEFT, and ROTATE RIGHT. Methods: The author used the Vivado simulation tools with the Verilog HDL language to build the FPGA-based ALU, and the SP701 Spartan FPGA board was used to implement the entire design. It has been implemented to use energy-efficient IO standard approaches. Findings: By calculating the overall power usage at the pre- and post-levels, this research has developed a new method for building energy-efficient FPGA-based ALUs. Author utilized Vivado simulation tool for this investigation. The SP701 FPGA board has also been used to implement this idea. Novelty: The Internet of Things and other emerging digital era technologies will undoubtedly benefit from this research work, and its energy efficient design will support environmental initiatives.
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
Management of Technology and Innovation,General Engineering