Detection of Congestive Heart Failure using Naive Bayes Classifier


Deka Dipen,


Congestive heart failure (CHF) is gradually becoming more prevalent due to the stressed lifestyles in modern life. Accurate detection with lower computational complexity and lower cost of diagnosis is a challenge to the researchers in this domain. In this work, I have proposed an approach using naive Bayes algorithm with a lesser number of significantly discriminating features for differentiating the CHF subjects from the normal subjects. The small size of feature sets enhances the computational efficiency and the choice of strong features improves the accuracy. The features are chosen on the basis of p-value of the 2-sample t-test performed between the two types of subjects. Using the p-value, 6 features are selected to train, validate and test the classifier. Publicly available benchmark PhysioNet datasets for congestive heart failure patients and normal subjects are used to carry out the experimentation. This approach is able to provide 100% classification accuracy as well as sensitivity and specificity of 100% in identifying CHF patients employing Gaussian naive Bayes algorithm.


Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP


Computer Science Applications,General Engineering,Environmental Engineering

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1. Aspect Analysis Based on Statistical Description and Visualization of Data;2022 5th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I);2022-12-14







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