1. Department of Electronics & Telecommunications, Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India.
2. Department of Electronics & Telecommunications, Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India
Analysis of dimensions of a product, its visualization
as a 3D model & volume estimation, positively impact the
operations of manufacturing department in an industry. In this
paper, a system has been designed to integrate the proposed
features like 3D reconstruction, dimensional analysis & support
for manipulating the reconstructed model. Research was carried
out to estimate the volume of objects using their virtual 3D model
& allow the user to edit this model which later can be compared
with the original object, for manipulation. The pictures of an
object from different planes are captured and using image
processing, it is reconstructed in 3D, which is used to estimate
parameters like volume, surface area, maximum dimensions
across different planes. This edited 3D model will be utilized for
generating a binary file representing the changes. This system
provides detailed information to the user along with flexibility,
thus enhancing the way in which the manufacturing industry
works, as it requires no manual input or interaction once the
process begins.
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
Computer Science Applications,General Engineering,Environmental Engineering