Intrusion Detection System using One Class SVM with and without Feature Selection in Wormhole Attack Detection



An Ad-hoc network is a kind of wireless construction from one to another computer, without having Wi-Fi access point or Router. However, the Ad hoc approach offers marginal security and decreases the data transfer rate. Consequently, it helps the attacker to connect with the ad-hoc network without any trouble. Therefore, a robust and reliable intrusion detection system (IDS) is a necessity of today’s information security domain. These IDS systems play a vital role in monitoring the threats encountered in a network by detecting the change in the normal profile due to attacks. Recently, to detect attacks the IDS are being equipped with machine learning algorithms to attain better accuracy and fast detection speed. Most of the IDS use different network features. However, enormous number of features makes the detection and prevention complicated. The IDS presented in this paper employs random forest and principal component analysis to minimize the number of features for network IDS for wireless ad hoc networks. The one class SVM has been used for detection of worm hole attack with and without feature selection. The performances of these approaches are compared with various existing techniques with false positive rate (FPR), accuracy and detection rate. Here, the accuracy improves and false positive rate reduces when intrusion is detected with feature selection technique. This paper discusses the performance of the one class SVM classifier in the wireless adhoc network IDS with random forest feature selection and principal component analysis feature selection techniques and one class SVM classifier without feature selection technique in the detection of wormhole attack. And the performance of one class SVM IDS is better in the detection of wormhole attack while it is implemented with principal component analysis feature selection technique.


Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP


Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Civil and Structural Engineering,General Computer Science

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