Pneumonia Classification using Deep Learning in Healthcare



There is a great growing interest in the domain of deep learning techniques for identifying and classifying images with various datasets. An enormous availability of datasets (e.g. ChestX-Ray14 dataset) has developed a keen interest in deep learning. Pneumonia is a disease that is caused by various bacteria, virus etc. X-ray is one of the major diagnosis tools for diagnosing pneumonia. This research work mainly proposes a convolutional neural system (CNN) model prepared without any preparation to group and identify the occurrence of pneumonia disease from a given assortment of chest X-ray image tests. Dissimilar to different strategies that depend exclusively on more learning draws near or conventional carefully assembled systems to accomplish an amazing grouping execution, and developed a convolutional neural arrange model without any preparation to separate and character the images to decide whether an individual is suffering with pneumonia. This model could help alleviate the dependability and difficult challenges frequently confronted to manage therapeutic problems. In this paper, CNN algorithm has been used along with different data augmentation techniques for improving the classification accuracies which has been discussed to increase the performance which will help in improving the validation and training accuracies and characterization of exactness of the CNN model and accomplished various results. This experiment was carried out using python language and has shown improved outcomes.


Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP


Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Civil and Structural Engineering,General Computer Science

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2. Heart Disease Prediction and Diagnosis Using IoT, ML, and Cloud Computing;International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications;2023-10-26

3. CNN based Deep Learning for Pneumonia Detection;2023 12th International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC);2023-08-17

4. Prediction of Epileptic Seizures based on EEG Signal using CNN Model;2023 8th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES);2023-06-01

5. Methodologies, Applications, and Challenges of Pneumonia Detection of Chest X-Ray images for COVID-19 using IoT-enabled Deep Learning;2023 International Conference on Disruptive Technologies (ICDT);2023-05-11







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