Mood and Vulnerability Prediction through Natural Language Processing



Analyzing various phases of mood using the verbal form of writing can serve as advancement in the field of psychology. The research work highlighted in this paper focuses on the use of sentiment analysis to predict the emotional state and vulnerability of written statements, as per the most generic perceptions, in the English language, with the help of an algorithm. The text pre-processing step discussed in this work involves cultivating and analyzing each word of user input, analyzing their literal and emotional essences to sum up the mood inclination of the statements and other parts-of-speech, to determine the specific mood and the vulnerability of the writing itself. The vulnerability level of the document is also determined, in order to extent out the purpose towards medical treatments where a vulnerable mindset, suffering from mental illness, depression, perceives the capability to inflict harm upon oneself or others can be given proper help and counseling.


Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP


Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Civil and Structural Engineering,General Computer Science

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1. Sentiment Analysis Using LSTM;Encyclopedia of Data Science and Machine Learning;2022-10-14

2. Sarcasm Analysis and Mood Retention Using NLP Techniques;International Journal of Information Retrieval Research;2022-01







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