Door Bell Notification System for Deaf People using Arduino



This present research paper proposes every problem human race has ever faced, technology has given its answer. Technology has now evolved in each and every aspect of human world, from electric cars to smart washing machine and whatnot. Technology has improved life of differently blind people in many ways too. Our motivation for this project is to help deaf people respond non-speech crucial sounds efficiently so that they can live a normal life. In this project a user module is designed which will notify the user whenever the doorbell is pressed. The notification will be send through a wireless module which covers a good amount of range. One module will be hooked at the doorbell while other will be connected to the user module (a wearable device) with some LED/vibrating motor for the indication purpose. The LCD screen will display the text for notification purpose. These modules are controlled by Arduino control Unit.


Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP


Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Civil and Structural Engineering,General Computer Science

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