Machine Learning & its Classification Techniques



RecentT developmentsT inT informationT systemsT asT wellT asT computerizationT ofT businessT processesT byT organizationsT haveT ledT toT aT faster,T easierT andT moreT accurateT dataT analysisT andT accuracy.T DataT miningT andT machineT learningT techniquesT haveT beenT usedT increasinglyT inT theT analysisT ofT dataT inT variousT fieldsT rangingT fromT medicineT toT organization,T educationT andT energyT applications.T MachineT learningT techniquesT makeT itT possibleT toT deductT meaningfulT furtherT informationT fromT thoseT dataT processedT byT dataT mining.T SuchT meaningfulT andT significantT informationT helpsT organizationsT toT establishT theirT futureT policies.T ThisT studyT appliesT classificationT machineT learningT techniquesT alsoT surveyT ofT activeT learningT regardingT selectionT methods,T queryT strategies,T applications.


Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP


Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Civil and Structural Engineering,General Computer Science

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2. Prototyping a Reusable Sentiment Analysis Tool for Machine Learning and Visualization;WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS;2024-04-15

3. Sentiment Analysis of Students’ Feedback on Faculty Online Teaching Performance Using Machine Learning Techniques;WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS;2024-02-19

4. Virtualization Development Trends: Scoping Review;Journal of Employment and Career;2022-12-31

5. COVID-19 Disease Forecasting Using Machine Learning Approach;Ambient Communications and Computer Systems;2022







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