In the current era of digitalization, the restoration of old photos holds profound significance as it allows us to preserve and revive cherished memories. However, the limitations imposed by various websites offering photo restoration services prompted our research endeavor in the field of image restoration. Our motive originated from the personal desire to restore old photos, which often face constraints and restrictions on existing platforms. As individuals, we often encounter old and faded photographs that require restoration to revive the emotions and moments captured within them. The limits of existing photo restoration services prompted us to conduct this research, with the ultimate goal of contributing to the field of image restoration. To address this issue, we propose a joint framework that combines the Real-ESRGAN and GFP-GAN methods. Our recommended joint structure has been thoroughly tested on a broad range of severely degraded image datasets, and it has shown its efficiency in preserving fine details, recovering colors, and reducing artifacts. The research not only addresses the personal motive for restoring old photos but also has wider applications in preserving memories, cultural artifacts, and historical records through an effective and adaptable solution. Our deep learning-based approach, which leverages the synergistic capabilities of Real-ESRGAN and GFP-GAN, holds immense potential for revitalizing images that have suffered from severe degradation. This proposed framework opens up new avenues for restoring the visual integrity of invaluable historical images, thereby preserving precious memories for generations to come.
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
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