The invasion of wireless, mobile phones and various internet technologies has resulted in the new implementation, making the e-voting method very quiet and effective. The E-voting ensures the option of a suitable, simple and secure manner of incarceration and the complete number of votes in an election. This study work offers the e-voting requirements and necessities using a platform based on Android or the internet. E-voting implies voting through electronic devices or websites in the election. An e-voting application is developed using the android or web platform. This request enables the user cast the ballot without going to the polling booth. To prevent fraud respondents using the scheme, the application utilizes adequate authentication steps. Once the polling process is completed in the electronic device, the outcomes can be obtained in a fraction of seconds instantly. All voting counts of applicants are encrypted using RSA and stored in the database to prevent third-party attack and disclosure of outcomes. Upon completion of the meeting, the admin can decrypt the count of votes and publish the outcome and finish the voting process.
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Civil and Structural Engineering,General Computer Science
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3 articles.