Industry revolution 4.0 makes people face change, the auditor profession is no exception. Auditors no longer conduct audits using the manual method but use computerized systems such as big data analytics. Our research aims to find out how auditors must change, when facing new technology approach audit. Very complicated and various data kinds that was too large to be audited manually. The research method in this research is descriptive qualitative, the method of data collection uses interviews with informants. The informant is the auditor partner of the public accounting firm. Big data has advantage and disadvantage to audit and fraud detection profession. The results of this study state that audit firm must be aware of the obstacles that come from internal and external for the implementation of big data analytics audit. Obstacles will hinder the adoption of technology for the auditor, while the auditor must change rapidly following the demands of technological development
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Civil and Structural Engineering,General Computer Science
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25 articles.