Solar energy from the sun rays are being utilized to generate electric power using solar powered photovoltaic panels. Implementation of this solar photovoltaic panels as a source of renewable energy is well known. But going a step further, our house or office can be made ‘smart’ if effective indoor light harvesting technology is developed. The indoor photovoltaic converts radiant capacity into electric power. These solar cells are categorized based on the materials used namely: amorphous silicon, crystal silicon and confined semiconductor. Our review suggests that the Dye- Sensitized solar cells (DSSC) could be promising as indoor power sources for microelectronic devices, wireless sensors and microelectrochemical systems. This paper resents An evaluation of research being done in this area and there from brief introduction to the materials used for the same
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Civil and Structural Engineering,General Computer Science
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4 articles.