A Pinnacle Technique for Detection of COVID-19 Fake News in Social Media
Today the world is gripped with fear of the most
infectious disease which was caused by a newly discovered virus
namely corona and thus termed as COVID-19. This is a large
group of viruses which severely affects humans. The world bears
testimony to its contagious nature and rapidity of spreading the
illness. 50l people got infected and 30l people died due to this
pandemic all around the world. This made a wide impact for
people to fear the epidemic around them. The death rate of male is
more compared to female. This Pandemic news has caught the
attention of the world and gained its momentum in almost all the
media platforms. There was an array of creating and spreading of
true as well as fake news about COVID-19 in the social media,
which has become popular and a major concern to the general
public who access it. Spreading such hot news in social media has
become a new trend in acquiring familiarity and fan base. At the
time it is undeniable that spreading of such fake news in and
around creates lots of confusion and fear to the public. To stop all
such rumors detection of fake news has become utmost important.
To effectively detect the fake news in social media the emerging
machine learning classification algorithms can be an appropriate
method to frame the model. In the context of the COVID-19
pandemic, we investigated and implemented by collecting the
training data and trained a machine learning model by using
various machine learning algorithms to automatically detect the
fake news about the Corona Virus. The machine learning
algorithm used in this investigation is Naïve Bayes classifier and
Random forest classification algorithm for the best results. A
separate model for each classifier is created after the data
preparation and feature extraction Techniques. The results
obtained are compared and examined accurately to evaluate the
accurate model. Our experiments on a benchmark dataset with
random forest classification model showed a promising results
with an overall accuracy of 94.06%. This experimental evaluation
will prevent the general public to keep themselves out of their fear
and to know and understand the impact of fast-spreading as well
as misleading fake news.
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Civil and Structural Engineering,General Computer Science
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