Fungal Disease in Cotton Leaf Detection and Classification using Neural Networks and Support Vector Machine



Agriculture productivity is the main factor for improving economic status of India. Reduction in production rate is mainly due to various diseases in plants. Identification of plant disease in early stage is the main challenge for improving the production rate as well as economic status. This paper presents automatic disease detection in cotton crop for three types of diseases Alternaria Leaf Spot Fungal Disease (ALSFD), Grey Mildew Cotton Disease (GMCD), and Rust Foliar Fungal Disease (RFFD). The K-means clustering algorithm is used for disease segmentation for cotton leaf. The diseased cluster is segmented into three clusters. From cluster 2 the features Mean , Contrast, Energy, Correlation, Standard Deviation, Variance , Entropy, and Kurtosis are extracted. The extracted features for 30 samples are given to Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers for disease classification. The performance of these classifiers are compared. The ALSF disease is classified 77.4% for ANN and 84.3% for SVM, GMC disease is 87.8% for ANN and 98.7% in SVM, RFF disease is 90.1%for ANN and 93.2% for SVM. The overall average accuracy of ANN classifier is 85.1% for three diseases and overall average accuracy for SVM is 92.06% for three diseases. It is clearly observed from the analysis SVM classifier gives accurate disease detection compared to ANN.


Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP


Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Civil and Structural Engineering,General Computer Science

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