Applications of RFID Systems in Healthcare Management: A Simulation for Emergency Department



Emergency Departments are the most complex and busiest locations for patient flow in hospitals. Treatment of acute diseases, accidental injuries, heart attacks or different medical applications are performed in these centers. At this point, patients should receive effective treatments as soon as possible. Additionally, they can include in medical procedures such as triage, registration, treatment, transfer or hospitalization when they apply of this departments. There are many problems in these services due to their complex structure. For instance; long waiting times, leaving the hospital without excuse or without payment, lack of bed or medical staff, long staying times. For these reasons, patient cares and treatments will be affected. It is thought that using of RFID Technology will be expanded in the Emergency Departments that it may decrease long waiting times, improve the quality of treatment processes and increase patient satisfaction also. In this study, it is aimed to improve patient safety and quality with sustainable tracking system. In addition, a real-time warning mechanism will be created by determining the number of optimum medical staff due to this technology. As a result, length of stay of the patients will be reduced and patient satisfaction will be increased in Emergency Departments.


Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP


Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Civil and Structural Engineering,General Computer Science

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