Securing IOT Network through Quantum Key Distribution



Current cryptographic techniques broadly specified as conventional cryptography is solely based on the solidity of the mathematical concepts. The advancements in quantum computing can use reversible logic to compute the keys and easily break the existing security in conventional computers. From the analysis of the network structure of Internet of Things (IOT) it is very clear that the entire backbone of the system would collapse if it is attacked or hacked. IOT is a wireless technology that connects “ANYTHING” around to the Internet. IOT is a revolution which should be protected from the attackers as it would lead to several losses which could even be fatal. Hence a strong provision for securing users data in IOT is a real challenge. This paper is attempted to review the fundamentals of Quantum Key Distribution, security aspects for IOT and to address how QKD can be used to secure a IOT system. The challenge encountered is to increase the range and increase the transmission rate of data in QKD systems and to check for a possible solution to adhere these systems with existing information security solutions


Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP


Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Civil and Structural Engineering,General Computer Science

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