The impact of Lean Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 on the Efficient Operation of an Enterprise


Аleksey TashkinovORCID,


The advantages and opportunities that the digital world opens up do not free enterprises from problems that require scientific and practical justification and the search for management solutions. Such challenges at the strategic level include changes in the industrial business model, the transition to new ways of working against the background of the accelerated development of Industry 4.0, digital technologies, and the subsequent implementation of the enterprise. The study proposes a concept that includes the main sections of the application of lean manufacturing using digital technologies at the Perm Chemical Equipment Plant, which produces civilian products. The introduction of a new concept and methods of organizing a production system requires a restructuring of the way of thinking and approach to business, first of all, of managers, and then of all workshop workers. The article describes the implementation of the 5S system using digital technologies at workplaces in workshops with the participation of site foremen. Thanks to the great results obtained from the integration of digital technologies in lean manufacturing, such as 5S, the results obtained by measurement methods in the real production process make it possible to stimulate shop managers to make decisions at the shop level in the implementation of management decisions.


Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP







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