Reliability Availability Maintainability Analysis in Forming Industry



Nowadays the manufacturing industries are facing number of challenges like competitive market environment, dynamic demand, and customer satisfaction. In that situation the Maintenance Management System (MMS) act as one of the most important factors in the manufacturing industries because it directly reflects on the productivity of the industries. The main goal of this research is to analyses the maintenance activity in a Small and Medium sized Enterprise (SME) industry and suggest best maintenance management policy of the given working environment. In this research Markov Analysis is used for predicting future sequence maintenance activity model because the Markov model is powerful tool for Reliability, Maintainability and Safety (RMS) engineering as well as it is simplistic modeling approach for reliability measurement with respect to value of Reliability Availability Maintainability (RAM) of the system for this research analysis we choose these three function because this functions are directly depends on the better MMS. All the mathematical functions are solved by using MATLAB software. The output of the proposed model suggests the new sequence of the maintenance model with optimal cost and categories the maintenance activity then proposed the new check sheet for scheduled maintenance of the given manufacturing environment. This model is suitable for the purpose of achieving high productivity and better customer satisfaction.


Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP


Computer Science Applications,General Engineering,Environmental Engineering

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