Today, in the era of analytics and Information Technology, analysing every form of data is possible. Be it manufacturing, Supply Chain, Retail, Service, Product, Sales Marketing or be it Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare. In recent times hospitals are facing the issue of over-crowding and medical staff is not able to deliver the healthcare properly. With the help of the Information Technology System used in hospitals for routine work, high quality and high amount of data can be generated. With the capabilities to analyse the data accurately for the internal operations, planning, and forecasting for the benefits of the patients in deciding the nature of the treatment, medicines used or the probable adverse drug reaction pharmacologically, the performance of the healthcare organization increases. The study concentrates on the scale development for the constructs which can improve the operational performance by using the information technology and the care analytics.
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP
Management of Technology and Innovation,General Engineering
Cited by
4 articles.