The performance of gas turbines is highly susceptible to environmental factors, particularly in arid and hot climates. The present study examines the direct impact of ambient temperature on the gas turbine's performance under the climatic conditions of Karbala city. An Excel proprietary software modeled using the law of energy and mass conservation was used to simulate real data collected from the Karbala power plant (gas turbine). The simulation result was found for the gas turbine power plant with steadily increasing compressor entry temperature (T1). The result show that for a 40K temperature rise from 300K-340K at the compressor inlet stage, net power gained a 13.34% increment; thermal efficiency gained a 13.33% increment and a reduction in the specific consumption of fuel (SFC) by 12% was noticed. The effect was acknowledged to be a resonating one rather than direct. Recommendations suggest that a pre-compressor cooling technology be developed and incorporated with a high efficiency pre-combustor heating technology for compressor reduction and SFC reduction. Best practice.
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP