Policy Direction on Driving Population for Reducing Poverty in the West Sumatra Province


Widodo Tegus1,Umar Iswandi2,. Ramadhani3,. Suhatman4


1. Agency of National Family Planning Population (BKKBN) West Sumatra Province - Indonesia.

2. Department of Geography and Doctoral Program of Environmental Science, Universitas Negeri Padang - Indonesia.

3. STIE West Sumatra - Indonesia.

4. Doctoral Program in Development and Environmental Economics – Universitas Negeri Padang and STIE West Sumatra - Indonesia, Indonesia.


Reducing poverty is always to become the target of every country and regional leader in each campaign. The efforts are made in many ways, but the programs in the form of providing basic needs assistance, productive economic efforts, and so on. Unfortunately, interventions are to address visible symptoms but not to solve the root of the problems or causes. That is because the cause of poverty is not so excavated so that until now the percentage of the poor always fluctuates. This research tries to see in terms of the number of children (TFR) that may have contributed to the percentage of poor people in West Sumatra. The research method uses linear regression analysis using secondary data from Susenas 2019. To determine policy direction using Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) analysis. The ISM analysis involved 15 relevant stakeholders from interested institutions. The results showed that TFR contributed 34.4 percent to poverty in the research area. As a direction of population control policy to reduce poverty, that is the expansion of access to contraceptives and delay of marriage age.


Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP

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