Methodological approach to assessing the level of adaptability of organizational management structures of companies


Vladimirova I. G.1ORCID,Polevaya E. V.1ORCID


1. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)


Purpose: to present and justify a methodical approach to assessing the level of adaptability of organizational management structures to the conditions of a dynamically changing external environment.Methods: a wide range of general scientific methods is used – system analysis, synthesis, graphical interpretation of data. During the study, the method of expert assessments was used to assess the level of adaptability. In order to classify the types of management structures depending on their adaptability, a cluster analysis was carried out.Results: the article presents an approach to the definition of the concepts of "adaptation" and "adaptability" in relation to management structures. In order to develop a methodical approach to assessing the level of adaptability of organizational structures, the types of their adaptation were systematized, the main characteristics of the structures were identified and the scale was developed to assess the level of their adaptability. The use of the expert method made it possible to assess the level of adaptability of the main types of organizational structures to the conditions of a changing business space and rank them depending on this level. As a result of the cluster analysis, all the studied types of management structures were classified depending on their adaptability.Conclusions and Relevance: the developed methodical approach to assessing the level of adaptability of management structures made it possible to determine the adaptive properties of both hierarchical and organic management structures, assess their level of adaptability and identify the most adaptive among them. It has been established that the basis for the successful development of companies in the conditions of turbulent business space is the use of organic structures or changing individual parameters of hierarchical structures in order to increase their adaptability. Adaptation can be carried out using any structure, both traditional hierarchical and organic, by forming new management structures or increasing the adaptability of existing ones. Further research in this area should be devoted to the development of an effective mechanism for adapting management structures to the conditions of a changing business space.


Publishing House Science


Organic Chemistry,Biochemistry

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