In order to meet customer and market demands, exploratory innovation necessitates innovative designs and creative approaches. The goal of this research is to ascertain the mediating effect of digital organisational culture on the impact of digital leadership, which embodies the desire to proactively use technology to add value to an organisation. The 7.023 personnel that are registered in the computer engineers' room make up the study's population. Of the people who are employed, 414 computer engineers have been chosen as the study's sample. Frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, normality analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis were all used to analyse the data. According to the findings of the correlation analysis carried out as part of the study, there is a positive and significant relationship between digital leadership and exploratory innovation, a positive and significant relationship between digital organisational culture and digital leadership, and a positive and significant relationship between digital leadership and digital leadership. The initial stage of the hierarchical regression analysis process revealed that exploratory innovation is significantly impacted by digital leadership. It was discovered in the second phase that digital organisational culture is significantly impacted by digital leadership. Exploratory innovation is significantly impacted by digital organisational culture, according to the results of the third level of hierarchical regression analysis. The impact of digital leadership on exploratory innovation is somewhat mediated by digital organisational culture, it was found in the fourth and final step. Digital organisational culture was found to have a negative impact on exploratory innovation when it was included in the hierarchical regression analysis. Consequently, steps that should be taken to guarantee that digital organisational culture predominates in the companies where the people in the sample work have been recommended. There aren't many research examples in the literature that show how digital organisational culture mediates the effect of digital leadership on exploratory innovation. As such, this study is regarded as original.
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