The aim of this study is to identify the technological peculiarities of the use of bio-acrylic materials in accordance with the clinical parameters of the case, arguing the usefulness of these biomaterials in everyday dental medical practice.A number of 25 partially mobilizable acrylic prostheses were made from different types of biomaterials following the clinical-technological algorithm specific to their type of prosthesis.The variety of clinical cases in which we used acrylic biomaterials as a result of careful analysis of all clinical factors, paraclinical, provides a clear picture of the corroboration of the general condition with local and loco-regional features of the clinical case with the chosen mobilizable therapeutic solution.Partially removable acrylic prostheses remain a viable transient therapeutic solution, in social cases taking on a long-term character managing to ensure a good quality of life through the evolved structure of new acrylic biomaterials in the context of rehabilitation of all stomatognathic system functions.
Universitatea Gheorghe Asachi din Iasi