A Study of Abandoned Ukrainian Wooden Churches in Poland. Current State and Conservation Recommendations


TOMASZEK Tomasz, ,


The paper summarises conservation research carried out on abandoned wooden Ukrainian Greek-Catholic churches from south-eastern Poland. As an example, two architectural objects remaining in complete ruin are discussed: the church in Babice and the church in Miękisz Stary. Both of them were erected in log construction and have rich interior polychrome. Conservation methodology was discussed, which must combine often contradictory challenges and aspects: both the need to stabilise the architectural body (which requires the replacement of a significant amount of historical substance) and the intention to preserve as much as possible the remains of the interior painting decoration (in the majority, polychrome was made directly on structural elements). The method of polychrome transfer was therefore discussed, which guarantees the preservation of the authentic character of the temples as well as their aesthetic and historical value. In addition, a detailed study of the remains of the iconostases of both temples (icons are currently stored in museum warehouses) and the issue of the possible restitution of the iconostases, along with a discussion of the necessary technical solutions for this procedure, are presented.


Universitatea Gheorghe Asachi din Iasi


Nature and Landscape Conservation,Conservation

Reference32 articles.

1. "[1] P. Haszczyn, Babice Historical Trail - Stop 3, (original language: P. Haszczyn, Ścieżka Historyczna Babic - Przystanek 3), http://www.spbabice.edu.pl/pdf/sciezka_historyczna.pdf (access 25/10/2022).

2. [2] K. Zieliński (ed.), Lexicon of Wooden Religious Architecture of Podkarpacie, Volume I (A-Ł), (original language: K Zieliński, Leksykon Drewnianej Architektury Sakralnej Podkarpacia, Tom I (A-Ł), Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Rozwoju i Promocji Podkarpacia "PROCARPATHIA", Rzeszów 2011, p. 9.

3. [3] A. Michniewski, M. Michniewska, M. Duda, Wooden Orthodox Churches of the Carpathians. Poland and Slovakia, (original language: A. Michniewski, M. Michniewska, M. Duda, Cerkwie drewniane Karpat. Polska i Słowacja), Wydawnictwo Rewasz, Pruszków, 2003, p. 208.

4. [4] * * *, Investigation materials from 1963, concerning the Greek-Catholic church in Babice, the chapel in Babice and the village of Babice, stored in the archives of the Department of Orthodox Art of the Castle Museum in Łańcut, (original language: Materiały penetracyjne dotyczące cerkwi w Babicach, kapliczki w Babicach oraz miejscowości Babice z 1963 r., przechowywane w archiwum Działu Sztuki Cerkiewnej Muzeum-Zamku w Łańcucie.

5. [5] * * *, http://www.krzywcza.eu/babice/cerkiew-w-babicach.html (access: 14/11/2022).








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