Key Factors of Sustainable Mariculture Enterprises in Indonesia: Finfish Mariculture Cases From Stakeholder Perspective


FIRDAUS Maulana, ,HATANAKA Katsumori,MIYAURA Rie,WADA Masaaki,SHIMOGUCHI Nina Nocon,SAVILLE Ramadhona,ZAMRONI Achmad,WIJAYA Rizki Aprilian,HUDA Hakim Miftakhul,TRIYANTI Riesti,APRILIANI Tenny,PRAMODA Radityo, , , , , , , , , , , ,


Mariculture is a profitable industry in Indonesia and other countries in Southeast Asia in general. The annual outputs of Indonesia's mariculture have been ranked among the tops worldwide. However, unsustainable issues are the main challenges to developin


Universitatea Gheorghe Asachi din Iasi


Nature and Landscape Conservation,Conservation

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