ADEIZA Barnabas Abel, ,MSHELIA Richard Balthi,ADEBAYO Abdullahi Olawale, ,
This work investigated the effect of antimony on the impact toughness and wear resistance of carbidic austempered ductile iron (CADI). Six alloys with a carbon equivalent value of 4.44 (hyper-eutectic composition) were used to evaluate the produced CADI, with antimony content ranging from 0.096 to 0.48 wt. %. The produced carbidic ductile irons (CDI) were heated to austenitic temperature of 910oC and held for 1 hour, then austempered at temperature of 325oC and held at different times (1-3 hours) to obtain carbidic austempered irons. Microstructural characterization was then carried out. The wear resistance was evaluated using a wear tester, it was noted that the wear resistance values of the CADI ranged from 2.35E8 cm-2 to 3.74E9 cm-2. The impact toughness of the CADI was determined using Charpy method, the results obtained ranged from 46.5 – 55J. It was observed that the as-cast CDI has graphite nodules, blocky carbides with a pearlitic matrix, the samples with antimony addition had granular carbides, the heat-treated samples had their matrix transformed to ausferrite while other structures remained unchanged. Sample with antimony content of 0.288 wt. % has the highest wear resistance value while sample with 0.096 wt. % has the best impact toughness value.
Universitatea Gheorghe Asachi din Iasi