Objective: To develop a method for identifying tinctures by assessing their biological activity at different temperatures based on Arrhenius kinetics.
Methods: The tinctures of anti-inflammatory and cardiotonic actions were chosen for the Spitotox-test. Chromatographic ethanol (HPLC grade, 99.8%, Fisher Scientific, UK) and deionized high-resistance water (18.2 MΩ cm, Milli-Q, Millipore) were used to prepare 70% water-alcohol extractant. The dispersity of the infusions and solvents was evaluated by LALLS (Malvern, UK) (micrometer range) and DLS (nanometer range) (Zetasizer Nano ZS, Malvern, UK) methods.
Results: The observed (obs) values of activation energy ( °bsEa) of ligand-receptor interactions of infusoria Spirostomum ambiguum and components of tinctures with regard to the extractant: water volume ratio was ranked in descending order of toxicity: motherwort (1:10; 87±13 kJ/mol)>calendula (1:7; 103±18 kJ/mol)>eucalyptus (1:7; 159±5 kJ/mol)>valerian (1:5; 135±6 kJ/mol)>hawthorn (1:4; 113±20 kJ/mol). The found values of activation energy were included in the previously created library for the construction of the correlation diagram « °bsEa-LD50», which allowed to assess the toxicity of tinctures in comparison with other pharmaceutical substances.
Conclusion: The method for assessing the biological activity of tinctures was developed by Arrhenius kinetics. The values of activation energy °bsEa of ligand-receptor interactions can be used for the identification of tinctures.
Innovare Academic Sciences Pvt Ltd
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