Introduction: Physical education of students with orthopedic disabilities includes a special program aimed at improving their physical and motor skills. This program takes into account the individual needs and abilities of students while encouraging their participation in physical activities. Physical education of students with orthopedic disabilities is usually guided by a specialist physiotherapist, sports trainer or special educator. The program is customized taking into account the student's current situation and the type of disability. The physical education program includes various exercises to increase the student's mobility, improve balance and coordination skills, and increase muscle strength and flexibility. A variety of activities may take place, such as physical therapy sessions, muscle strengthening exercises, balance exercises, stretching and sports activities. In addition, suitable sports and games for students with orthopedic disabilities also play an important role. This helps students develop their teamwork, competitive and social skills. Some sports that students can participate in include wheelchair basketball, paralympic swimming, wheelchair tennis and athletics. Technological tools are also used in physical education. Special equipment such as prostheses, wheelchairs or walking devices support students' participation in physical activities. Method and Analysis: Panel data analysis was used in this study. Frequency, regression and statistical mean were used in the analysis. Conclusion: Physical education of students with orthopedic disabilities is important in terms of improving their physical and motor skills. It seems to be an important program to encourage participation in physical activities and increase their self-confidence. By adopting an approach tailored to their individual needs, these students should be supported to lead a healthy life and maximize their physical potential. For this reason, providing the expenditure expenses of the students in need of orthopedic and physical education by the public will support the achievement of effective results on participation and success.
The Online Journal of Recreation and Sport
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