Investigation of Workplace Recreation Awareness and Burnout Levels of Workers


Kuş Sevgi1ORCID,Tunçkol Mehmet2ORCID


1. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı

2. Necat Hepkon Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi


The aim of this research is to explore the workplace recreation awareness and burnout levels of mine workers according to some variables and to examine the relationship between them. The population of the research consists of 1020 individuals working as mine workers in the Zonguldak TTK Directorate Üzülmez Enterprise Establishment in 2022-2023. The sample of the research consists of 405 mine workers selected from these participants by simple random sampling method. In the study, the "Personal Information Form" including demographic questions, the "Workplace Recreation Awareness Perception Scale" and "Burnout Scale Short Version" were used as data collection tools in the study. The SPSS package program was used in the statistical analysis. Kruskal Wallis test which is a non-parametric test and Pearson Correlation analysis for relationship of scales were used. According to analysis it was found a significant difference between participants’ educational statue and workplace recreation awareness and burnout levels. Also, it was found a significant difference between economic status and burnout states and the personal well-being and adjustment sub-dimension of the IREFA scale. As a result, a significant, positive, and high relationship was determined between the sub-dimensions of workers' personal well-being and harmony and the sub-dimensions of corporate awareness and development. It was determined that there is a negative and weak relationship between the burnout dimension and personal well-being and harmony, corporate awareness, and development.


The Online Journal of Recreation and Sport

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